Candy Hall of Fame
The NCSA, built on the pillars of education, mentoring, fellowship and recognition, is made up of individuals across all disciplines who proudly represent the confectionery category. The Association is proud to administer the Candy Hall of Fame, which honors people who have dedicated their careers to giving back to the confectionery industry.
BBI Candy Hall of Fame Inductees
Robert Taylor Sr – 1995 | Bryan Shade - 2015 | Robert Taylor Junior -2021 | Stacey Rutherford – 2022

Bob was born December 12, 1932 in Brooks County, GA. He attended Quitman High School, lettering in basketball, baseball and football all four years. On two State Champion teams, he earned a football scholarship to Florida State University. He also attended Valdosta State College and Georgia State College.
His sales career in the candy and tobacco industries started with the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. He entered the broker business in 1959, and at the time of his induction was president and owner of Burdette Beckmann, Inc. of Hollywood, FL.
His wife Sherry, who married Bob in 1956, joined the business, as did their son, Robert Jr. They also raised a daughter, Robin.
Bob is the recipient of Florida Tobacco & Candy Association Bear Award, an American Wholesale Marketers Association Candy Ambassador honor, along with many Broker of the Year and Sales- person of the Year honors from various manufacturers.

Execution is everything, according to Robert Taylor, Jr., CEO of brokerage Burdette Beckmann, Inc. (BBI). Robert is the son of Candy Hall of Famer Robert Taylor, Sr., and wants to be remembered for being his father’s son.
Robert was born on April 6, 1961, in Savannah, GA, to Ella Sheryl (Sherry) and Robert Sr. He grew up with his sister Robin, recalling holiday celebrations at his grandmother’s farm and taking trips out West for family vacations.
He attended Hollywood Hills High School, in Hollywood, FL, graduating in 1979. After earning a double major in business and Spanish from Samford University in 1983, Robert started working retail for BBI, assigned to service inner-city stores.
Initially Robert wasn’t interested in the family business, but with limited options after graduation, he began learning the business and slowly started to understand the vision his father had always had for the company.

You can find Robert's printed bio and a fun "getting to know Robert" on page 27. Special congratulatory messages from our clients on pages 34-35. Our company message is on page 57, and finally, you don't want to miss the gorgeous back cover that showers Robert with our love and sincere appreciation.