BBI SE C-Store Team Attended the 2023 Charles C. Parks Trade Show
Our BBI C-Store team kicked off the 2023 trade show circuit by attending its first event of the year, the Charles C. Parks Trade Show in Franklin, Tennessee.
The show lasted 3 days, from January 17 through January 19, where some of our most seasoned Account Executives, such as Julie Wallace, Chad Stocton, and Ted Davila, attended the event. They set the bar high representing 12 different manufacturers resulting in a very successful show.
Charles C. Parks Co. has been a full-service convenience store distributor since 1934. They operate from a warehouse and office facility in Gallatin, Tennessee, and distribute to convenience stores in seven Southern states.
Every year, from January to November, the BBI SE C-Store team has a packed schedule participating in about 43 Trade shows and conventions to optimize clients' coverage and exposure to outside opportunities.