BBI’s 11th Annual Toy Drive Brings Magic and Joy This Holiday Season
This year, BBI proudly celebrates its 11th successful Annual Toy Drive. We absolutely love participating in this tradition each year, spreading joy and happiness to families during this holiday season.
From November 5th to December 9th, our BBI offices worked together to create an impact on several nonprofit organizations to help spread hope and holiday cheer.
The team came together to gift brand-new toys to children ages 1 to 12. Each year, BBI helps families by providing winter necessities, sending donations, and creating magic.
The impact we make as a team will stay with us forever. The memories we can provide for children and families are like no other, and we are proud to share the initiatives organized by each BBI office:
Northwest Office:
This year, the NW office supported a family in need through the Soldiers' Angels Adopt-A-Family Program. Through this program, they got the opportunity to help Amanda, a disabled Navy veteran, and her four-year-old son, Jasper, who has autism. Thanks to the team’s generosity, we went above and beyond and fulfilled Amanda’s wish list, bringing joy and kindness to this holiday season.
Southwest Office:
BBI Southwest collected 104 toys for this year’s drive, supporting Faith House, a Lafayette nonprofit providing shelter and services to victims of domestic violence.
Chesapeake, VA Office:
VA office decided to donate to Hope for Life this year, doing a drive for the animal shelter. The office proudly collected 20 items.
Special Markets Team:
The Special Markets Team happily donated 220 items to Hope Community Center. This center has many services to help their local community, including education, social services (healthcare, housing, etc.), immigration and so much more!
Tampa Office:
The Tampa Office proudly participated in this year's toy drive. They donated 20 toys to the Children's Dream Fund, an organization that makes dreams come true for children with life-threatening illnesses living throughout West Central Florida.